2009 Old Posts


SandPit [1] – Dundee

On Sept. 2009, Amr contributed to the first SandPit of WP3, in Dundee.

SUS-IT WorkPackages meeting – London

On Mar 2009, Amr attended the SUS-IT project’s workpackages meeting in London. 

SUS-IT project kick off

On Feb 2009, Amr participated in the kick-off workshop for the SUS-IT project, one of only 6 projects in the UK that are funded by the NDA program (joint funded by 5 research councils).

Masterig DHS

Mastering DHS is an initial prototype for

virtual training of Junior surgeons for the DHS (Dynamic Hip Screw) surgery.


It aims at improving the Hand-eyes-Brain coordination by providing a computerised training system, constructed from affordable Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COT) componenets.

This work is in collaboration with Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon in the Lincoln Hospital.


Project in the media/press:

Conference paper here: https://amrahmed.dev.lincoln.ac.uk/2012/05/02/conference-paper-accepted-dhs-virtual-training/


For further details, please contact:

Contact details On the Web:
Dr Amr Ahmed
School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
Lincoln LN6 7TS
United Kingdom
On Academia:
On ResearchID:
Email: aahmed@lincoln.ac.uk
Tel.: +44 (0) 1522 837376
Fax.: +44(0) 1522 886974
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