Two Presentations and Posters in the Vision & Language Network workshop

Three members of the Lincoln School of Computer Science, and the DCAPI group, have attended the Vision & Language (V&L) Network workshop, 13-14th Dec. 2012 in Sheffield, UK.

Amr Ahmed, Amjad Al-tadmri and Deema AbdalHafeth attended the event, where Amjad and Deema delivered  2 oral presentations and 2 posters about their research work:

1. VisualNet: Semantic Commonsense Knowledgebase for Visual Applications
2. Investigating text analysis of user-generated contents for health related applications

Abstracts are available on (

Congratulations for all involved.

Amjad Altadmri and Amr Ahmed around their poster at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.
Amjad Altadmri and Amr Ahmed around their poster at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.
Deema AbdalHafeth and Amr Ahmed at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.
Deema AbdalHafeth and Amr Ahmed at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.











The event included tutorial sessions (Vision for language people, and language for vision people). We had an increased presence this year.

Last year, we had a good presence in the last year’s workshop (, had good discussions and useful feedback on the presented work.

Looking forward for similar, if not even better, experience this year.

Best wishes for the presentations.

Two posters & presentations accepted for the V&L Net Workshop, Dec. 2012

We just had 2 posters and oral presentations accepted for the coming Vision & Language (V&L) Network workshop, 13-14th Dec. 2012 in Sheffield, UK. This is a good representation from Lincoln (and from the DCAPI group).

1. VisualNet: Semantic Commonsense Knowledgebase for Visual Applications
2. Investigating text analysis of user-generated contents for health related applications

Congratulations for all involved.

We had a good presence in the last year’s workshop (, had good discussions and useful feedback on the presented work.

Looking forward for similar, if not even better, experience this year.

Best wishes for the presentations.


Haytham Mohtasseb VIVA – DONE…..

Haytham Mohtasseb has passed his viva this Tuesday (subject to amendments). Well done Dr Mohtasseb….

Haytham has been working with me (and Dr David Cobham) analysing blogs for users’ writing styles,  grouping, and Authorship identification. He had 7 publications, including a Journal and a Book Chapter and several international conferences. {automatic list of publications can be found her: }

A celebration is going on Thursday 12:30-13:30.

All the best.
